Friday, 20 June 2008

summer days

Eli & Me
Cute people of E3

haha been a month since i last blogged...

Life have been quite busy! Busy-ing around with the rest of the peeps. haha

Pastors, Rinnah, Aunty Lilian and Uncle goh came back today! :) Was so happy to see them again though they have only been away for one week. Was with Pastors all the way and stayed overnight! It is such a privilege mann (: Here i am, sitting in the living room jotting all my thoughts down in random motion.

10 things thats happen during the last one month:
1) Pastor Joakim and family came over. Had a great time with them!

2) Pastor Joakim prayed for me and I had a vision that building leaders will be easy!

3) We are in the season of a Mac-volution.

4) Quek went into army and came out. He shared christ with his bunkmate and bunkmate was saved!!!

5) Busy preparing for something very important (heh-heh)

6) Revival sparked out in CCHM and JYSS
CCHM total - 9 people!
JYSS total - 16 people!

7) Vanessa han got a WHEE(?)

8) Cheryl Ng is in love with me :)

9) Chloe overcame her fear for cartoon turtles after kungfu panda! yay!

10) I caught Narnia twice but it was double-ly awesome