Tuesday, 18 August 2009

its just the beginning

whoaa... I finally managed to put my fingers on the keyboard and rattle out some thoughts thats been on my mind lately...

Well, one thing thats leaving a bittersweet feeling in me was the end of Bible School. Happy that i've graduated... Sad in the way that I am gonna miss starting the day praying and learning God's word. Im so gonna miss seeing sam darren and frank every morning. :( Miss the times we'll spend praying for each other.. Chionging assigments... Preparing for that 10 sermon outlines!! hahahha

Had a great supper/breakfast with Garrett and Jamie on Sun! man... It really churned out so muchh thoughts, excitement in me! Seriously, I do have a desire to learn how to preach in Chinese.. Just v intrigued by the language maybe cause of bible school. hahahs. We are really so different from many out there. Lets continue to be the very driven and motivated church. To persist, know your mission! Know where youre destination is.. Then your race wouldnt seem so tough and mundance.. Its never too late to start working on your dreams.. (:

Loving every bit of my life... (: Love yours too!