Monday, 20 July 2009

Abba, Father

a sudden drive to doodle something on my dear blog...

Great is Your love Abba Father 
You’re my salvation from above 
Jesus, You’re more than I deserve 
Your love rescued me 

Humbly You came into this world 
Laid down Your life and chose to serve 
Just as I am without one plea 
Your love rescued me 
You are my Saviour 
My great Redeemer 
And by Your blood now I can be free 
You are my Saviour 
My loving Father 
For all eternity 
Worship Your Majesty

Today at bible school, Pastor Kong shared about lil Dayan and how it hurts him when lil Dayan is sick and sore from rashes and the 37 allergies that he suffers from. Later, he shared that that is exactly how important we are to God.

Every hurt, He feels
Every cry, He hears
He is my Father, 
to whom I depend on
He is my Lord,
to whom I will trust
He guides me in the darkest tunnel 
and leads me out of the deepest sea
He is my God 
My everything

I was so overwhelmed by His love today. Just kept tearing and tearing. Sometimes, we get so caught by in doing His work, running his ministries that we forget that God's ultimate desire is for us to come close to Him and to see Him as our Father. To call someone Abba Father, it really means that you regard that person as someone you are in full trust of. Knowing that He will not leave you nor forsake you. I prayed that same prayer, that I want to know Him not just as my God but my Abba Father. His love and presence just came to be so strongly... I was like a little girl running back to the arms of Daddy! The feeling was so unforgettable! 

Just gonna end with this note... (: Good night world!